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FAQ - Control the Brassiness

By Martin White
Edited by Admin
FAQ - Control the Brassiness
FAQ - Somebody Asked
How Can I Control The Brassiness
In My Hair?

Brassy hair is the enemy of all hair colour treatments that turns your hair an unwanted shade when it’s not cared for properly after a colouring treatment. From the very first time you shampoo your new colour, it already starts to fade. It only takes a few washes before your hair loses its salon look and you're left with brassy hair. Typically brassy strands are those unwelcome tints of warmer hues in the hair where you want cooler, lighter tones to be. Thankfully there are some easy fixes


Using violet-toning shampoo on treated hair is the first step to brass-free locks. If you are diligent about applying this special type of shampoo, your hair will continually be re-treated with the toning effects that counteract the brassy hair colour.


The water we shower with can contain a certain level of iron-deposits depending on where it comes from. This is less than optimal for your newly treated blonde locks because iron concentrations can weigh down your hair and dull out your shine. Purchasing a shower head water filter is a seldom thought of step to hair colour correction, but will filter these toxins and fix your brassy hair.


Don’t let the risks of brassiness stop you from going blonde. Brassy hair can’t be prevented completely, but can be avoided with the right products and procedures. 

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