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Book Recommendations of 2018 So Far

Book Recommendations of 2018 So Far!

What are the non-fiction, fiction, and romance titles receiving above-average attention these days that should be at the top of everyone’s reading list, and why?   If you’re looking forward to catching up on some reading, there’s no shortage of great books ...
Connected As a Program to Aid Sales

"Connected" As a Program to Aid Sales

  Increased Sales From Increased Communications   Is this a scenario you currently experience? Sometimes among your community of salons, there comes an opportunity to mention Wella's "Connected" program as a further enhancement towards the relationship you are seeking ...
The Three Cornerstones of Love

The Three Cornerstones of Love

The Three Cornerstones of Love   What are the three most important rules to live by in fostering a healthy and vibrant relationship? To cultivate such a relationship, here is what’s most important in achieving long lasting love:   Respect: Chances are that if ...
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