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Your Horoscope for October - Inner Balance and Stability

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Your Horoscope for October - Inner Balance and Stability

As Above, So Below


…a view of the heavens from here on earth


By: Beverley Golden


Welcome to our monthly astrology column, “As Above, So Below”.


If you read our September forecast, you know that the theme was “Adjustment.” Something it seems we are being asked to do daily in our ever-changing world. Did you feel this and have the opportunity to make adjustments in your life?


According to this month’s Power Path forecast, the theme is “Inner Balance and Stability”,inner being the operative word. It is time for us all to stop looking for stability from an outer source and begin to experience it within ourselves by focusing on our own inner strengths, talents and trust. Our inner experience is what informs our outer experience, so by practicing inner stability and balance, we are not only advancing our own personal growth, but being of service on the planet at the same time.”


As October begins, we find ourselves moving from one season to another. No matter where we live, the seasons change and we need to find our own inner balance and stability. The change of season is always a good time to reconnect with the world around us by spending time in nature and recognizing how everything on the planet is interconnected. You can read more about this in Nature Can Heal Humanity.


As someone who sees how important it is for each of us to make a difference in our own way, I am learning that only through inner balance, can we impact the world around us.

October could be a good month to “focus on an inner stability and security by grounding to the earth and accepting that you have tremendous inner strength, wisdom and ability to create. There is always help from the inside and from unseen sources but you have to trust it. It is a great month to work with your intuition, your guides and allies, to trust your inner knowing and to have the courage to show up authentically.”


There is a powerful message for us in October’s The Power Path: “You have to recognize what you need, ask for it, be committed to it, and set good boundaries around that commitment. In a way, we are still working some with the adjustment theme of September since what you decide you need for your own inner balance may require others to adjust to that commitment.”


Are you up for the challenge presented by October’s theme of Inner Balance and Stability? Going inward can be challenging, but it is the only way we can positively change both ourselves and the world around us. You can read the full October forecast Here.


Please let us know in the comments your thoughts on astrology and how October’s theme of Inner Balance and Stability shows up in your life!



Beverley Golden


As a writer, re:searcher and curious observer of the world around me, I love exploring what makes people do what they do and believe what they believe. My longtime fascination with astrology even had me subtitle my book, “Confessions of a Middle-Aged Hippie”— “observations of life on earth and other cosmic meanderings.” As a lifestyle writer, my musings can be found on my own blog and also on the Huffington Post and Family Guiding.

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